Can't Connect error 1042

[expired user #6244]'s profile image [expired user #6244] posted 12 years ago in Creating a connection Permalink

I'm trying to access my database remotely from my computer but keep getting error 1042 i tried to configure my router to let the port 3306 through but no luck as well tried to add exception to firewall but still no luck there.

please help

kalvaro's profile image kalvaro posted 12 years ago Permalink
Do you mean Can't get hostname for your address?

(Please don't strip error messages, the the information provided is always relevant.)

That's a server error so you are actually communicating with the MySQL server. You normally need to configure your router for incomming connections.

I'm not familiar with the error but it suggests that the server is configued to obtain the DNS name of clients but your router's public IP address does not have a valid matching hostname, e.g.:

C:\>nslookup xx.xx.xx.xx

... does not return a name. If you control the MySQL server, you can change its settings as explained at
[expired user #6244]'s profile image [expired user #6244] posted 12 years ago Permalink
Thank you so much the links really helped a lot

i was stuck for the longest time thank you again


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