Wanted: Delphi library for import / export database

leus's profile image leus posted 11 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink
This is a very selfish feature. I would love to see part of HeidiSQL (its export and import feature) as a stand-alone Delphi component or library.

Currently, I'm forced to ship mysql-dump for this together with my application. Being a long time hardcore Delphi fan, I want my exe files not to ship with anything but to be self-contained.

Is there a way to donate for specific features?

Also, and this is related with my wish above, is it possible for you guys to adopt a less-restrictive license, like MPL?
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 11 years ago Permalink
I'm sorry, my export code is not just one part or even an installable component. And what's wrong with GPL?
leus's profile image leus posted 11 years ago Permalink
I know currently it is not, that's what I'm asking. I'm even willing to sponsor such a change (pocket change, I'm afraid) and to provide some help, but I'm not really an expert in this area, so I don't think my help would be that much.

Regarding GPL, the problem with it is that I cannot use GPL software, not even as a library, in a commercial software package without having to release it under the GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.en.html#IfLibraryIsGPL and http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.en.html#SwitchToLGPL)

In any case, I think this is a brilliant, highly underrated project.
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 11 years ago Permalink
Thanks for your feedback.

I guess I'm not able to provide what you're asking for. There is just so much code spread around in different units and dialogs for the export features. But I guess you could be able to at least use the most important unit "dbconnection". It has one or two dependencies from other units, not a big deal. That way, you can connect to servers and run queries with your own dialogs and controls.

When you're talking about the export feature, do you mean the SQL export, or the grid export?
leus's profile image leus posted 11 years ago Permalink
Just plain DB export, nothing tied to any visual control. I need it as a backup option for my software. That's why I mention the need of shipping mysqldump together with my executable.

I don't know, perhaps dividing everything into modules would make this project more popular with Delphi developers, something like the mormot (Synopse) project does (they have several independent projects that can be used stand-alone.)

I'm still looking around your code. So far I managed to isolate one thing to see if I can make a module of it (the auto-update part) but then I'm not going to be using it, because of the license. But it was a great learning experience.

Leonardo Herrera

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