Temporary Tables

John Bell's profile image John Bell posted 10 years ago in General Permalink
i am using mysql 5.5 and heidisql portable i get a weird warning if i run a query like:

Drop Temporary Table If Exists `Answer`;
Create Temporary Table `Answer`
select Id from Clinics

the following "warning" then pops up
Your query produced 1 warnings.

Warnings from last query:

the bottom pane (called ?) shows
Drop Temporary Table If Exists `Answer`;
Create Temporary Table `Answer`
select Id from Clinics;
/* Affected rows: 28 Found rows: 0 Warnings: 1 Duration for 2 queries: 0.063 sec. */
John Bell's profile image John Bell posted 10 years ago Permalink
and btw, if i run the query again, i get no warning so maybe it has to do with the drop and the table not existing???

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