Connection parameter in Tables

domus71's profile image domus71 posted 9 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink
I uses Sphinx SearchEngine for indexing tables. The indexing tables have an external connection with Sphinx SE. Here is an example:

CREATE TABLE `app_persons_index` (
`pa_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
`weight` int(11) NOT NULL,
`query` varchar(3072) NOT NULL,
`group_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
KEY `query` (`query`(1024))
) ENGINE=SPHINX DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 CONNECTION='sphinx://localhost:9312/persons';

The only thing that I canont handle through HeidiSQL table interface is Connection parameter. I think that you can add it in Options tab.

Costis Papadakis
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 9 years ago Permalink
That ENGINE=SPHINX is plugin based, is it? That's not supported by HeidiSQL.
domus71's profile image domus71 posted 9 years ago Permalink
The CONNECTION parameter is a mysql option, not a Sphinx.

Costis Papadakis
jfalch's profile image jfalch posted 9 years ago Permalink
that's true. CONNECTION='...' is a part of the standard mysql CREATE TABLE syntax; only its semantics (and the content of the string following the =) are dependent on the storage engine used.

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