No database selected and #.items not found

[expired user #3324]'s profile image [expired user #3324] posted 16 years ago in General Permalink

I am trying to add my own weapons to my WoW private server, and I'm using Heidisql.

But I get an error when I'm trying to execute it to a database.
I don't know which database, I am going to execute the batch file to.

Can you help me?

When I start SQL and import the batch file, and press execute, it says:
SQL Error: No database selected

and when i chose mysql in the left and press execute it says:
SQL Error: Table 'mysql.items' doesn't exist

What is the problem here?

Thank you
- Anders
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 16 years ago Permalink
You have to select (= click) the correct database within the left database tree. The correct database has to have at least the relevant table "items".

"mysql" is a system database which contains privilege stuff and it's surely not the correct one for your intented action.

It should help you if you see the databases like folders and the tables like files just like in your windows explorer.
[expired user #3324]'s profile image [expired user #3324] posted 16 years ago Permalink
Thank you..

Uhm, I tried to use HeidiSQL, and I chose items in the folder Ascent, and I execute the SQL-file to the table "Items".
It works fine, but when I log into my server and add the weapon by the ID, it says:

6343891 is not a valid weapon or ID (Don't remember)

Ehm, so I tried to make the ID shorter, but the same problem.

Then I tried to execute it again, and it says:

Duplicate entry for 6343891 key 1.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 16 years ago Permalink

6343891 is not a valid weapon or ID (Don't remember)

Does not sound like a familiar errormessage... Please post the exact errormessage here so we can help you.

Duplicate entry for 6343891 key 1.

is a quite good and descriptive message for the error you got: There is a unique key on a column which has already a row with that value.
[expired user #9530]'s profile image [expired user #9530] posted 8 years ago Permalink


bei mir wird ebenso ständig beim Uplaod gesagt: SQL Fehler (1046: No Database collected. Ich verstehe das gar nicht. Ich habe als Benutzer den Namen meiner neuen Datenbank in der korrekten Schreibweise angegegeben, auch das Passwort stimmt. Die ausgewählte Datenbank, die ich in dem Feld Datenbanken angegeben habe, ist die von dem Backup. Hier habe ich auch die gewünscht Schreibweise angegeben. Wo liegt denn nur der Fehler?


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 8 years ago Permalink

Dieser Post ist 8 Jahre alt :) Und eigentlich wird hier auf englisch geschrieben.

No database selected (nicht collected)

... bedeutet dass du vorher im linken Bereich auf die entsprechende Datenbank klicken mußt um sie zu selektieren.

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