[expired user #5745]'s profile image [expired user #5745] posted 13 years ago in Import/Export Permalink
Hi everyone,
i use HEIDISQL v. for exporting ( as SQL) one dabatase on remote site to local and after i have to import (my PHPMYADMIN) on another domain.
Here ore my actionhs :
1) click on export voice menu
2) export database as sql
2 bis) data: no data
3) output: one big file
4) filename: domusidea and selcet the path

and click on export and i see the processing

first question :
is it necessary to activate databases create [ ] and tables create [ ] ?
is it necessary to select INSERT on select box data ??

maybe missing activation of these options are the solution of my problem ?

i don't try these yet because i'ma afraid to delete database in remote site..

Thank you

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 13 years ago Permalink
In order to import that file afterwards you will need to check the "create tables" option. The "INSERT" data option will of course export rows - if you select "No data" you should not wonder why you have 0 rows, do you?

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