Hi there,
is it possible to have placeholders/variables in the filename I specify in the Export grid rows dialogue? I'd like to do multiple exports of the same query at different points of time. It would be great if I could just have a timestamp in the filename automatically.
Maybe this is already there and I haven't found the doc yet. If not, I'd like to suggest that.
Thanks a lot!
Placeholder in Export grid rows filename
I like the Komodo thing. You're right, it has that, but I've not thought about it in this context. Another not so nice but effective way is how PuTTY handles it in its Logging Config. It just shows an explanation as text below the textbox. But I agree with kalvaro, the button is great.
Code modification/commit
from ansgar.becker,
12 years ago,
Process placeholders in filename also in grid export dialog. Provide a list of valid placeholders below the recent files pulldown menu. See http://www.heidisql.com/forum.php?t=12506
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