Bug Reports

[expired user #6903]'s profile image [expired user #6903] posted 11 years ago in General Permalink
Hello, i just found your program and it looks great, but i found a couple bugs which have made it unusable for me. I have a series of servers from MS SQL 7 & MS SQL 2008, and i'm trying to migrate them all over to MySQL.

In relation to this, i found the following issues:

When exporting a table as SQL the script it creates errors out. It appears to be related to the field type of "text" which is a large blob of text/data (mysql's equivalent of a medium text variable field)

when i have already created the table and database and just attempt to use it for datatransfer it errors out by not enclosing the text fields within quotes. It encloses all of the varchar fields just fine, just not the text fields. for example of generated script:


INSERT INTO "SiteNews" ("Entry", "Site", "PostTopic", "PostDate", "PostBy", "PostEmail", "Post") VALUES
(1, 'CS', 'CS 1.5 Release!!', '2002-12-23', 'Com', 'None', Today is the BIG day, CS 1.5 is being released!! We'll have a release party for it and the second the new version is released we will have the Download links available in the channel and on this site, Stay Tuned.),


It also appears MySQL is having issues with the quotes and the uppercase letters in tablenames & feild names.. so maybe an lcase or equivalent conversion when going from mssql > mysql would be wise, as in MS we can use uppercase things etc.

Lastly some way to do a field conversion mapping, as MS SQL has "SMALLDATETIME" which MySQL doesn't, so having that converted to "DATETIME" would also be good..

Example output:

-- Dumping structure for table SiteNews
"Site" VARCHAR(10) NULL,
"PostTopic" VARCHAR(255) NULL,
"PostBy" VARCHAR(50) NULL,
"PostEmail" VARCHAR(255) NULL,
"Post" TEXT(16) NULL

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