Error Viewer

[expired user #7152]'s profile image [expired user #7152] posted 11 years ago in General Permalink
date/time : 2013-07-16, 18:57:56, 467ms
computer name :
user name : root
registered owner : root
operating system : Windows 7 Service Pack 1 build 7601
system language : Portuguese
system up time : 1 day 17 hours
program up time : 1 minute 15 seconds
processors : 2x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7250 @ 2.00GHz
physical memory : 1956/3582 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 111,34 GB
display mode : 1440x900, 32 bit
process id : $fa0
allocated memory : 48,06 MB
executable : heidisql.exe
exec. date/time : 2013-07-16 18:53
version :
compiled with : Delphi XE
madExcept version : 3.0m beta 1
callstack crc : $c659c4e3, $089a4ae9, $089a4ae9
exception number : 1
exception class : EAccessViolation
exception message : Access violation at address 007328D8 in module 'heidisql.exe'. Read of address 00000018.

main thread ($208):
007328d8 heidisql.exe dbconnection 4170 +7 TMySQLQuery.Col
00732d31 heidisql.exe dbconnection 4229 +3 TDBQuery.Col
0072717e heidisql.exe dbconnection 1796 +10 TMySQLConnection.GetCreateViewCode
00726ed6 heidisql.exe dbconnection 1773 +12 TMySQLConnection.GetCreateCode
00733526 heidisql.exe dbconnection 4447 +24 TDBQuery.PrepareEditing
007f516a heidisql.exe Main 4459 +114 TMainForm.DataGridBeforePaint
0062432f heidisql.exe VirtualTrees TBaseVirtualTree.DoBeforePaint
00633109 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees TBaseVirtualTree.PaintTree
77696fcb ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
0062ae53 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees TBaseVirtualTree.Paint
004f389b heidisql.exe Controls TCustomControl.PaintWindow
004edff5 heidisql.exe Controls TWinControl.PaintHandler
004ee7d4 heidisql.exe Controls TWinControl.WMPaint
004f3835 heidisql.exe Controls TCustomControl.WMPaint
00621a75 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees TBaseVirtualTree.WMPaint
004e9578 heidisql.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
004e9e9e heidisql.exe Controls TControl.WMMouseMove
004e9578 heidisql.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
004ede3c heidisql.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc
0062dba4 heidisql.exe VirtualTrees TBaseVirtualTree.WndProc
004ed4dc heidisql.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
004abb0c heidisql.exe Classes StdWndProc
77696fcb ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
75e6ed6a kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
[expired user #7152]'s profile image [expired user #7152] posted 11 years ago Permalink
SELECT `logs`.`srv` AS `srv`,`logs`.`chave` AS `chave`,`logs`.`ip` AS `ip`,(
SELECT `LogIPCliente`.`cliente`
FROM `LogIPCliente`
WHERE (`LogIPCliente`.`ip` = `logs`.`ip`)) AS `cliente`, COUNT(0) AS `count`
FROM `logs`
GROUP BY `logs`.`ip`,`logs`.`chave`,`logs`.`srv`
ORDER BY `logs`.`chave`,`logs`.`srv`, COUNT(0) DESC,`logs`.`ip`
[expired user #7152]'s profile image [expired user #7152] posted 11 years ago Permalink
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 11 years ago Permalink
issue #3284

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