Point type import/Export problem

[expired user #7237]'s profile image [expired user #7237] posted 11 years ago in Import/Export Permalink
db schema
table `objects_location`
(`id` int,
`location` point,
`turn` int,
`base_location` point,
`base_name` varchar(50),
`base_continent` varchar(50),
`base_country` varchar(50),
`base_city` varchar(50)

i exported data from db
ex) 1 row example

REPLACE INTO `objects_location` (`id`, `location`, `turn`, `base_location`, `base_name`, `base_continent`, `base_country`, `base_city`) VALUES
(1, _binary 0x00000000010100000070613F77683A4038DBDC989E3F40, 17, _binary 0x00000000010100000090DC9A745B3FC0B0928F3FA4453F, 'SA', 'SA', 'BR', 'Rio de Janeiro'),

point type column be "_binary 0x00000000010100000070613F77683A4038DBDC989E3F40"

i try to import that exported data
and i want insert into table
but error message
code : 1416
i can't solved help me

REPLACE INTO `objects_location` (`id`, `location`, `turn`, `base_location`, `base_name`, `base_continent`, `base_country`, `base_city`) VALUES
(1, _binary 0x00000000010100000070613F77683A4038DBDC989E3F40, 17, _binary 0x00000000010100000090DC9A745B3FC0B0928F3FA4453F, 'SA', 'SA', 'BR', 'Rio de Janeiro'),
(2, _binary 0x000000000101000000053411363C3F4003093F637A5D3F, 20, _binary 0x0000000001010000007A89B14CBFB044403FC5E33F0040, 'Barcelona', 'SA', 'AG', 'Rosario'),
(3, _binary 0x0000000001010000007D3F355EBAD93F40C6C4E6E33F543F, 12, _binary 0x00000000010100000099654F029BF337C0C4094CA7752B473F, 'Sao Paulo', 'SA', 'BR', 'Sao Paulo'),
(4, _binary 0x00000000010100000085993F652F44405BB1BF3FAC6140, 6, _binary 0x00000000010100000067614F3B3F4440D3BD4EEACB622C40, 'Buenos Aires', 'SA', 'AG', 'Buenos Aires'),
(5, _binary 0x0000000001010000006B3F5568B24440E4F8A1D288590140, 30, _binary 0x0000000001010000006B3F5568B24440E4F8A1D288590140, 'Barcelona', 'EU', 'ES', 'Barcelona'),
(6, _binary 0x000000000101000000BB641C233F484086764E3F5B0240, 30, _binary 0x000000000101000000BB641C233F484086764E3F5B0240, 'Paris', 'EU', 'FR', 'Paris'),
(7, _binary 0x0000000001010000003F3F3F4140AF777FBC57575D40, 1, _binary 0x0000000001010000003FBCE82BA44240B6D8EDB3CAC15F40, NULL, 'AS', 'KR', 'Suwon'),
(8, _binary 0x0000000001010000003F11C5E43F402FA86F99D353543F, 0, _binary 0x0000000001010000003FBCE82BA44240B6D8EDB3CAC15F40, NULL, 'AS', 'KR', 'Suwon'),
(9, _binary 0x000000000101000000763F3F3F4088F4DBD781B7543F, 21, _binary 0x0000000001010000003FBCE82BA44240B6D8EDB3CAC15F40, NULL, 'AS', 'KR', 'Suwon'),
(10, _binary 0x0000000001010000006B0C3A21743F4071E5EC9DD13F40, 13, _binary 0x0000000001010000003FBCE82BA44240B6D8EDB3CAC15F40, NULL, 'EU', 'FR', 'Lyon'),
(11, _binary 0x0000000001010000003FBCE82BA44240B6D8EDB3CAC15F40, 30, _binary 0x0000000001010000003FBCE82BA44240B6D8EDB3CAC15F40, NULL, 'EU', 'FR', 'Paris'),
(12, _binary 0x0000000001010000003FBCE82BA44240B6D8EDB3CAC15F40, 30, _binary 0x0000/* large SQL query (20.8 KB), snipped at 2,000 characters */
/* SQL 오류 (1416): Cannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY field */
/* Affected rows: 0 찾은 행: 0 경고: 0 지속 시간 0 of 1 query: 0.000 sec. */
/* 의 연결이 2013-08-28 10:35:19 에 종료됨 */
[expired user #7237]'s profile image [expired user #7237] posted 11 years ago Permalink
i need help what


insert point type
jfalch's profile image jfalch posted 11 years ago Permalink
what are the original coordinates for location field of objects_location record with id 1, as returned by
select X(location),Y(location) from objects_location where id=1
jfalch's profile image jfalch posted 11 years ago Permalink
also, what is the version of your mysql server as returned by
select version()
[expired user #7237]'s profile image [expired user #7237] posted 11 years ago Permalink
Thanks for reply ><

1. select version() => 5.1.52

2. i don't have table now, just have sql files

i explained
(1) export data from table using heidisql "tools -> database to sql"
(2) format db and reinstall mysql
(3) import "exported data"

but (3) step
i did import but
Point Type data can't insert to Point type.
i don't have x(location),y(location) data only
_binary 0x00000000010100000070613F77683A4038DBDC989E3F40

i'm find ( _binary 0x00000000010100000070613F77683A4038DBDC989E3F40 ) insert Point Type column.

Thanks "jfalch "
[expired user #7237]'s profile image [expired user #7237] posted 11 years ago Permalink

Thanks for reply ><

1. select version() => 5.1.52

2. i don't have table now, just have sql files

i explained
(1) export data from table using heidisql "tools -> database to sql"
(2) format db and reinstall mysql
(3) import "exported data"

but (3) step
i did import but
Point Type data can't insert to Point type.
i don't have x(location),y(location) data only have
"_binary 0x00000000010100000070613F77683A4038DBDC989E3F40"

i'm find ( _binary 0x00000000010100000070613F77683A4038DBDC989E3F40 ) insert Point Type column.

Thanks "jfalch "

jfalch's profile image jfalch posted 11 years ago Permalink
I´m afraid I cannot help you any further on this.
[expired user #7237]'s profile image [expired user #7237] posted 11 years ago Permalink

I´m afraid I cannot help you any further on this.

create table `objects_location` (`id` int, `location` point, `turn` int, `base_location` point, `base_name` varchar(50), `base_continent` varchar(50), `base_country` varchar(50), `base_city` varchar(50))


REPLACE INTO `objects_location` (`id`, `location`, `turn`, `base_location`, `base_name`, `base_continent`, `base_country`, `base_city`) VALUES
(1, _binary 0x00000000010100000070613F77683A4038DBDC989E3F40, 17, _binary 0x00000000010100000090DC9A745B3FC0B0928F3FA4453F, 'SA', 'SA', 'BR', 'Rio de Janeiro')

oh i see, thanks reply
[expired user #7237]'s profile image [expired user #7237] posted 11 years ago Permalink
Finally I Found Solution!

-> (GeomFromWKB(0x0101000000000000000000F03F000000000000F03F));

Thanks Everyone!

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