Feature request: custom tab title for query result

[expired user #8242]'s profile image [expired user #8242] posted 10 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink
If we have several queries:

FROM table1
WHERE key = 'value2';
FROM table1
WHERE key = 'value2';

after execution the result tabs have titles like:
Result #1 | Result #2
table1 | table1
or similar auto generated titles.

I propose to support special syntax comment to title each query result tab.

For example:

/* [tab First tab title] */
FROM table1
WHERE key = 'value2';
/* [tab Second tab title] */
FROM table1
WHERE key = 'value2';

So, after execution the result tabs will be titled:
First tab title | Second tab title.
jfalch's profile image jfalch posted 10 years ago Permalink
+1 !

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