Query helpers box not accessible in a new query tab

slorandus's profile image slorandus posted 8 years ago in HeidiSQL portable Permalink

If the query helpers box is visible (opened) in the first query tab and I open a new query tab, then the query helpers box will be available in the new tab.

If the query helpers box is not visible (opened) in the first query tab, then it won't be accessible in a newly opened query tab even if I try to drag the query helpers box border.

Is this a bug, or is there a reason for this behavior? (Using portable)

Thank you very much. You're doing a great work.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 8 years ago Permalink

I hassled with the query tab splitter recently, so that may be a bug. See the right thread for these issues. However, r5023 should not have that problem any longer, and the other users also reported it works now. I cannot reproduce that bug here, so there must be something missing in the reproduction recipe.

slorandus's profile image slorandus posted 8 years ago Permalink

Ok, I tested again and I found 3 situations:

CASE 1: On default query tab, the query helpers box is opened for more than 200px. When I open a new query tab I can open the helpers box and everything work fine.

CASE 2: On default query tab, the query helpers box is opened for less than 200px. When I open a new query tab, the helpers box is already opened and can not be resized.

CASE 3: On default query tab, the query box is closed. When I open a new query tab, the helpers box can not be open.

Also, you can find a video here: http://lorand.work/download/heidisql_20151207.mp4

Code modification/commit from ansgarbecker, 8 years ago, revision
Fix duplication of query tab controls, when it comes to aligning the query helpers tree. See http://www.heidisql.com/forum.php?t=20041
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 8 years ago Permalink

I guess that had something to do with the non-set width of the query memo box. However, should be fixed in r5024.

Thanks for testing so thoroughly!

slorandus's profile image slorandus posted 8 years ago Permalink

Hi Ansgar,

CASE 2 is solved, but CASE 3 is not. To reproduce the recipe look at that video at 0:48. Close the helpers box in the default query tab, open a new query tab and try to open the helpers box. You would not be able to open the helpers box in a new tab, if the helpers box is closed in the default tab.

Sorry for bothering you, but I use quite frequently tools from the helpers box.

Thank you!

slorandus's profile image slorandus posted 8 years ago Permalink

Ansgar, on the computer from my office I updated to r5024 and everything seems to work fine.

Thank you for your help.

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