Keyboard shortcut to move between tabs

Electrosa's profile image Electrosa posted 7 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink


Is there any keyboard shortcut to change between tabs? I'm talking about the tabs at the top:

For example, in web browsers the shortcut for moving between tabs is Ctrl+PageUp and Ctrl+PageDown. It seems that it'd be very easy to implement it in HeidiSQL also.

I've seen that Ctrl+1 to 5 allows me to move between the five first tabs (host, db, table, data, 1st query tab), but if I open more query tabs I can't move to them.

Thank you!

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 7 years ago Permalink

Just use Ctrl+Tab, as also supported by webbrowsers :)

Electrosa's profile image Electrosa posted 7 years ago Permalink

Oh, I've tried lots of shortcuts but haven't tried that one.

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