"Azure Database for MySQL" Support

[expired user #10803]'s profile image [expired user #10803] posted 7 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink


Now that Microsoft has announced "Azure Database for MySQL" the first I am wondering is how to use HeidiSQL to connect to one of these databases (over SSL - the default setting).

I've followed these instructions, but it doesn't work for Heidi: (I can't post the link because I'm too new to the forum)

Also note that the linked page is editable, so we could add the instructions for Heidi there too - so workbench isn't the only thing people see there - yuck ;)

[expired user #10803]'s profile image [expired user #10803] posted 7 years ago Permalink

https [colon-slash-slash] docs.microsoft.com [slash] en-us/azure/mysql/howto-configure-ssl#applications-that-require-a-local-certificate-for-ssl-connectivity

[expired user #10803]'s profile image [expired user #10803] posted 7 years ago Permalink

Sorry for the hacky post - just trying to get the link out there (you have to piece it together again)

[expired user #10803]'s profile image [expired user #10803] posted 7 years ago Permalink

btw, this is the error I'm getting "SSL connection error: ASN: bad other signature confirmation"

Looks like there is a post on this: https [colon-slash-slash] www.heidisql.com [slash] forum.php?t=19494#p23931

[expired user #10803]'s profile image [expired user #10803] posted 7 years ago Permalink

Anyone here?

[expired user #10803]'s profile image [expired user #10803] posted 7 years ago Permalink

Here are the links again (seeing if it will let me post them now):



[expired user #10803]'s profile image [expired user #10803] posted 6 years ago Permalink


Now that Microsoft has announced "Azure Database for MySQL" the first I am wondering is how to use HeidiSQL to connect to one of these databases (over SSL - the default setting).

I've followed these instructions, but it doesn't work for Heidi: (I can't post the link because I'm too new to the forum)

Also note that the linked page is editable, so we could add the instructions for Heidi there too - so workbench isn't the only thing people see there - yuck ;)

So, when trying to add just the SSL CA certificate that is provided by Microsoft (here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/mysql/howto-configure-ssl) Heidi returns the error "SSL connection error: ASN: bad other signature confirmation"

Any ideas? Can we just provide the SSL CA? (this works in MySQL Workbench)

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