Question about application language while building HeidiSQL

GitHubgogo's profile image GitHubgogo posted 6 years ago in General Permalink

I use Delphi XE5 to build HeidiSQL with the source on the github , and find there is no choice for changing the application language in the preferences form(see the attachment), how to add orther language and make it works?


1 attachment(s):
  • 20180402160506
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 6 years ago Permalink

Please never crosspost things in the tracker + here in the forum!

You need to download the language files from and place them in out\locale[yourLanguageId]\LC_MESSAGES

GitHubgogo's profile image GitHubgogo posted 6 years ago Permalink

Please never crosspost things in the tracker + here in the forum!

sorry for the crosspost.

I have done as your reply and it works. Here are the steps:

  1. download the language files(.po) from transifex
  2. turn the .po file into .mo file, and rename the .mo file ""
  3. place "" in out\locale[yourLanguageId]\LC_MESSAGES


JaneWalters's profile image JaneWalters posted 5 years ago Permalink

You can contact the experts who will make a high-quality design of the application and there will be no problems with it.

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