Error preventing application from Booting up.

[expired user #11608]'s profile image [expired user #11608] posted 6 years ago in General Permalink

Hey everyone, Lately I've experienced this annoying issue. From some reason everytime I try to run HeidiSQL client, an error message comes up telling me "An Error has occurred in the application" and it prevents me from running the application. The Error message itself doesn't clearly say what the problem is so I'm posting it here.

date/time          : 2018-07-10, 15:54:12, 28ms
computer name      : ALON-PC
user name          : Alon
registered owner   : Microsoft / Microsoft
operating system   : Windows 10 x64 build 17134
system language    : Hebrew
system up time     : 3 hours 25 minutes
program up time    : 3 seconds
processors         : 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz
physical memory    : 771/8084 MB (free/total)
free disk space    : (C:) 228.41 GB
display mode       : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id         : $32e0
allocated memory   : 289.96 MB
largest free block : 131025.96 GB
executable         : heidisql.exe
exec. date/time    : 2017-12-19 16:46
version            :
compiled with      : Delphi XE5
madExcept version  : 4.0.12
callstack crc      : $56fe3f99, $ae445ab5, $ae445ab5
exception number   : 1
exception class    : EStackOverflow
exception message  : Stack overflow.

main thread ($1cf0):
7ffdfc70 KERNELBASE.dll
7ffdfc6f KERNELBASE.dll                             RegQueryInfoKeyW
7ffdfe3e advapi32.dll                               RegQueryInfoKeyW
0063f53e heidisql.exe   System.Win.Registry         TRegistry.GetKeyInfo
0063f5be heidisql.exe   System.Win.Registry         TRegistry.GetKeyNames
00988e8f heidisql.exe   helpers             3836 +5 TAppSettings.GetSessionNames
0098909a heidisql.exe   helpers             3853 +2 TAppSettings.GetSessionPaths
00989160 heidisql.exe   helpers             3857 +6 TAppSettings.GetSessionPaths

Thanks for helping :)

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