show table error(use wine, os: ubuntu 18.04.2)'s profile image posted 5 years ago in HeidiSQL portable Permalink

date/time : 2019-04-26, 09:50:01, 515ms

computer name : bill-GA-MA785GM

user name : bill <admin>

operating system : Windows XP x64 Service Pack 2 build 3790

system language : Chinese (Traditional)

system up time : 30 minutes 48 seconds

program up time : 1 minute 57 seconds

processors : 4x Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz

physical memory : 5233/7471 MB (free/total)

free disk space : (C:) 15.71 GB (Z:) 15.71 GB

display mode : 1920x1080, 32 bit

process id : $2d

allocated memory : 44.28 MB

largest free block : 130829.59 GB

executable : heidisql.exe

exec. date/time : 2019-04-26 09:29

version :

compiled with : Delphi 10.3 Rio

madExcept version : 5.0.0

callstack crc : $c5897ce3, $394cc43b, $394cc43b

exception number : 1

exception class : EAccessViolation

exception message : Access violation at address 00007FC4E7634E20 in module 'usp10.dll'. Read of address 00000002042660DE.

main thread ($2e):

7fc4e763 usp10.dll

7bc9d08b ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects

7b48eb98 KERNEL32.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx

7fc4f0ee winex11.drv MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx

7fc4f59f user32.dll TranslateAccelerator

7fc4f5a0 user32.dll GetMessageW

1 attachment(s):
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago Permalink

I suppose there is again a broken translation, in a string with one or more placeholders, e.g.

msgid "Generate %s ..."

But the callstack unfortunately does not provide details about which string this is. Probably you can switch back to english and check if that works at least? If HeidiSQL does not even start without a crash, then start "regedit.exe", and set the "Language" value in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HeidiSQL\ to "en". Then restart HeidiSQL to see if that works.

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