View special characters (carriage return, line feed ecc) in grid

abrfra's profile image abrfra posted 5 years ago in General Permalink

Is possible in some way to enable an option in the settings of the application to allow viewing special characters like carriage return, line feed ecc in the grid of the result of a query or the content of a table (image attached) like as notepad++ does?

Example: if in a field the last char is a carriage return there is some way to emphasize this?

2 attachment(s):
  • heidisql-example
  • Example-notepad-
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 years ago Permalink

No, the popup text editor is just a basic memo, which has no such features.

In contrast, or as an idea, the query editors are from the SynEdit project. These support code in various flavours (e.g. SQL used in HeidiSQL), but I guess there is also a plain text "hightligher". However, these memos also support displaying some special characters, as you can see here:


Also, we would get several other features, like code highlighters, line numbering, probably JSON support with code folding, and more.

There is already a fitting ticket for this feature, in which I mentioned the same idea:

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