Why is bug report closed?

superspace's profile image superspace posted 18 years ago in General Permalink
Why is the bug report topic closed?

Maybe too many bugs already. Can I add another one.

I just want to report that when editing a data cell(MEMO:TEXT) that has the "\n" character and saving it, makes the cell unwritable* after that.

ie. The background of the text tab has a light shade of blue(maybe different colour on different systems) indicating that its not writable.

*Note: unwritable from within heidisql only
superspace's profile image superspace posted 18 years ago Permalink
I think this post has some relevance to what I'm saying here:

superspace's profile image superspace posted 18 years ago Permalink
Please report bugs here: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=164593&atid=832347
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 18 years ago Permalink
You gave yourself the right answer :)

I closed this forum as I found the Sourceforge-tracker is more powerful for this purpose. Believe me, I didn't do it because there were too many bugssmileUnfortunately at that time there were already some posts in the "Bugreports"-forum, for which I decided not to remove the complete forum but to add a notice where the tracker is located now.

Maybe i should remove the Forum "Bugreports" now...

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