Stored Routine

kaalamannacool's profile image kaalamannacool posted 4 years ago in General Permalink

I try to use the UI-way of creating procedure. I have 8 parameters then I add one that will be put in the last. Then the problem is, when i want to Move up to 4th parameter, that parameter's Datatype doesn't also go up. I'm using Heidisql Thanks I'm new in Heidisql and so far it's so good! :)

1 attachment(s):
  • Capture
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 4 years ago Permalink

That should work, at least it does for me, with the current nightly build. See the attached animation.

Probably you should update as well to the latest build. There were quite a few updates since the official 11.0 you are using, so that may heal it.

1 attachment(s):
  • procedure-param-move
kaalamannacool's profile image kaalamannacool posted 4 years ago Permalink

Many thanks sir for your response. It's now working :)

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