Thank you and a small feature suggestion.

excitedbox's profile image excitedbox posted 3 years ago in General Permalink

I found your program last night and absolutely love it. According to my connection time within 25 minutes I had everything figured out and was up and running. The interface is really intuitive and everything is easy to find.

A feature I am missing is the primary key and auto increment checkbox that most mysql interfaces have in the column listing. It requires several extra clicks to add a primary key. Same with the auto increment although there it is only 1 extra step. It would be nice to have those 2 options in the column list for quick access since they are used in every table.

Another suggestion I had would be making it possible to sort the expression and on update fields in addition to adding a hint to them. I really liked that feature on the data types and thought especially for the date functions and regex it would save a lot of time having to look up the formatting but for other functions as well.

Anyway thanks a ton for all the hard work you do and I can't wait to see what you come up with next.

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