Applying 'XXX' to multiple lines

kaweng88's profile image kaweng88 posted 3 years ago in General Permalink

Hi there, is there a shortcut function that allows me to insert '' into multiple lines in heidisql (for query WHERE XXX in etc. Currently im adding the '' on excel (im sure theres a better way!)

SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE NAME IN ( john jimmy jamie jack jiff );


SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE NAME IN ( 'john', 'jimmy', 'jamie', 'jack', 'jiff' );

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

No, there is no such formatter in HeidiSQL.

But you can - as an alternative - select wanted rows in the grid, then rightclick "Quick filters" to generate such a clause:


kaweng88's profile image kaweng88 posted 3 years ago Permalink

No, there is no such formatter in HeidiSQL.

But you can - as an alternative - select wanted rows in the grid, then rightclick "Quick filters" to generate such a clause:


thanks a lot!

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