Data table not scrolling to currently selected column on press tab while in edit mode

Pakumen's profile image Pakumen posted 3 years ago in General Permalink

During editing data row in datatable, the table doesn't automatically scroll (Horizontally) on the selected column while pressing tab. Outside of edits, it is still scrolls as normal.

Is there any settings that needs to be checked for this?

Code modification/commit e403cb7 from Ansgar Becker <>, 3 years ago, revision
Auto-scroll to edited grid cell. See
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

There is no setting for that auto-scrolling. I just pushed a change which does exactly that each time you tab through a grid.

You can update to the latest build in half an hour to see the fix.

Pakumen's profile image Pakumen posted 3 years ago Permalink

Okay, thank you for the info! i'll check it out when it's up!

Pakumen's profile image Pakumen posted 3 years ago Permalink

The issue is fixed now, thanks once again!

miandan's profile image miandan posted 3 years ago Permalink

I have a database that can be connected normally in version, but above this version, there will be errors.

Error content: [13000, 2021041417503819216817823703151603526] todo POS 23, line 1, column 6, token hint

miandan's profile image miandan posted 3 years ago Permalink

I have a database that can be connected normally in version, but above this version, there will be errors.

Version connection information: / 连接到 (经由 MariaDB or MySQL (TCP/IP)),用户名 adbadmin,密码:Yes ... / SELECT CONNECTION_ID(); / 已连接,线程ID:21458 / / 字符集: utf8mb4 / SHOW STATUS; SELECT NOW(); SHOW VARIABLES; SHOW DATABASES; / 进入会话 "1_集群版ADB" /

Version connection information: / 连接到 (经由 MariaDB or MySQL (TCP/IP)),用户名 adbadmin,密码:Yes ... / SELECT CONNECTION_ID(); / 字符集: utf8mb4 / SHOW /!50002 GLOBAL / STATUS; / SQL错误(1064):[13000, 2021041417563319216817823703151616675] TODO pos 23, line 1, column 6, token HINT / / 到 的连接于 2021-04-14 17:56:36 关闭 /

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