Alt+Right does not change result tab if result is empty

David Marcus's profile image David Marcus posted 3 years ago in General Permalink

If a result tab has no rows, then Alt+Right and Alt+Left won't change to the other tabs. To reproduce, run something like the following in the query window:

select count(*) from Player;
select * from Player where PlayerName = 'Foo';
select count(*) from Player;

The result from the first query will be in front. Alt+Right will then select the second tab. If this has zero rows, then Alt+Right and Alt+Left do nothing. You have to use the mouse to select a different result tab.


Code modification/commit 1d1c31f from Ansgar Becker <>, 3 years ago, revision
Fix Alt+Right/Left not advancing to next query result tab on empty result grid. See
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 years ago Permalink

Should be fixed in the next build.

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