minor issue : [Window Title] TradeBase: Error when scroll down by 'arrow down' key

Mitchell Lee's profile image Mitchell Lee posted 2 years ago in General Permalink

On the query tab > execute query that combination of view and sub queries > 125 rows of result shown at the bottom of grid > scroll down by pressing arrow down > the error popup

[Window Title] DB name: Error

[Main Instruction] Grid editing error

[Content] Could not find table or view db_name.select. Please refresh database tree.


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Pressing arrow-down at the end of a grid prepares the creation of a new row. That involves retrieval of default values for some columns, which may fail for a custom query. So far quite normal. The data tab should not show that error.

Mitchell Lee's profile image Mitchell Lee posted 2 years ago Permalink

yup. nothing so wrong, idea is that change the 'Error' icon or message stuff to 'Information' since so suprised while lots of unsaved work on the editor. cheers.

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