connection manager's issue (collation_connection on MariaDB)

Mitchell Lee's profile image Mitchell Lee posted 2 years ago in General Permalink

Regarding connection setting for MariaDB, HeidiSQL changes the default value of server 'collation_connection'. Can u leave it as is?

you can check the server value as 'show variables like '%collation%'' and heidlSQL do as below. Description .

other tools working fine as define setting in ini file .


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Yes, HeidiSQL calls mysql_set_character_set(FHandle, 'utf8mb4') when connecting to any MySQL/MariaDB. Doing so also changes the collation_connection to the default utf8mb4_general_ci.

Check the default collations yourself: SHOW CHARACTER SET LIKE 'utf%'

The charset is set by HeidiSQL, because many servers run with a non-Unicode character set, like my local one. I just disabled the above call, and get a latin1 charset and collation. Note this could potentially ruin my table data when editing in grids:


I suppose HeidiSQL should set the charset only when the current one does not start with utf*. That would leave the server-sided collation intact as well.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

By the way, this was already reported in issue #287 - please further comments there.

Mitchell Lee's profile image Mitchell Lee posted 2 years ago Permalink


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