Two HeidiSQL Versions

PCHome's profile image PCHome posted 2 years ago in General Permalink

In WINE, after updating HeidiSQI to the latest and opening it from the existing link in the Panel, it is still opening the earlier version. However, when I open it from the system's menu, it opens the proper but without any of the query tabs that the other has. Any clues on how to get rid of the extra installation?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 years ago Permalink

Did you download the portable version or the installer? The portable version stores its tab contents in a local directory, while the installer uses a global setting for that.

PCHome's profile image PCHome posted 2 years ago Permalink

I downloaded the installer as always. I was able to use the WINE uninstaller to remove the old version but the newer version does not show up there at all.

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