ORDER BY clause not observed in query result table?

mrbump's profile image mrbump posted 2 weeks ago in General Permalink

Hi, newbie here trying to use HeidiSQL to analyze an existing DB. (v.12.6 bundled with MariaDB latest v10)

Now i've run into a problem with ordering the result of a large query. Using the tab-sorting takes forever and (I think) doesn't support multi column sorting. If I use the "ORDER BY" clause AND the result contains the primary key, Heidi seems to reorder the query result by it (the PK).

Is there a way to circumvent this? Wouldn't it be logical, if the query result's initial tab order state would take over what is supplied in an ORDER BY clause?

Thanks Andy

mrbump's profile image mrbump posted 2 weeks ago Permalink

Sorry, disregard, my rookie error. ORDER BY "column_name" does not work as well as ORDER BY column_name ...

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