Jumbled ouput

chiken22's profile image chiken22 posted 2 months ago in General Permalink

I upgraded to Version a few months ago, and while it did fix some issues I had I also noticed that there is this odd bug that occurs once in a while after running a query. After running a query, once in a while this will happen where the output becomes completely jumbled until I close and re-open heidi. Not sure why this would be

Thanks for the great software


hei-ta's profile image hei-ta posted 6 days ago Permalink

Same to me after updating to V12.8.0.6985

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 6 days ago Permalink

I think this is already a long-time issue. The log lines are cut at a default position of 2000 characters. My guess is that the cut is done within some Unicode character:


You could try and set it to "0", to prevent cutting long lines.

hei-ta's profile image hei-ta posted 6 days ago Permalink

I have the set the value now to 0. I will keep you informed, if the display issue remain again. Thanks for your quick reply.

chiken22's profile image chiken22 posted 6 days ago Permalink

I can say I've used heidiSQL for over 1.5years before I did the update to V12.8.0.6908 and I didn't experience that issue until after I updated, and I kept my Heidi open for multiple days at a time.

My boss also uses Heidi and keeps his Heidi open for long periods of time, I am unsure what version he is on but he does not experience this issue.

Sorry I can not provide exact version numbers of what I was using before updating.

I updated my Snip to 0 as well and will update if it occurs again.

hei-ta's profile image hei-ta posted 5 days ago Permalink

Issue occurs again and is reproducible for me now. When running a table-update over a big query with more than 500 lines, the output window starts normal and changes after aprrox 450 lines while query-script is running to a jumbled view.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 5 days ago Permalink

Please let us proceed in issue #2042 - recently reported.

What I find eye-catching is that all screenshots (well, I have seen two of them) are showing the style is set to some non-default/Windows theme, e.g. "Carbon" or one of the other dark styles.

hei-ta's profile image hei-ta posted 5 days ago Permalink

My application is not running in dark mode. Made a small capture video. Sorry, I only can record in *.avi format which is not released for upload. https://magentacloud.de/s/RpKLwKzYizFDzsD Link is valid till tomorrow.

chiken22's profile image chiken22 posted 4 days ago Permalink

I can confirm that even after changing the Snip to 0 the issue happened again, and it did happen when doing a large insert ignore query

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