Issue after installing HeidiSQL 12.9

aderrose's profile image aderrose posted 3 weeks ago in General Permalink

I've just installed the latest HeidiSQL 12.9, and I'm now no longer able to connect to any databases. I receive the following error.


This is the same for all versions of the PostgreSQL DLL, I've read about the removal of the VC Redist from the installer and checked what I have installed which is the latest versions of VC 2010, 2012, 2013 and the combined 2015-2022 as shown below.


I run UniGetUI which keeps various apps up-to-date, including the VC Redist's.

Any help would be gratefully received.


ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 weeks ago Permalink

Same as issue #2076

Could you please verify you installed HeidiSQL in the 64 bit folder C:\Program Files\HeidiSQL\ - not in C:\Program Files (x86)\HeidiSQL\ ?

aderrose's profile image aderrose posted 3 weeks ago Permalink

Thanks for the reply, I can confirm HeidiSQL is installed in the 64 bit folder, and I've done a clean reinstallation since this issue to ensure nothing was left from a previous install, (uninstall, check folder was empty or removed and install again), my original upgrade had this issue as well as the new installation.

I'be also tried the 64 bit portable edition with the same results as I thought a setting may be at issue as even after a clean install all my server's and other settings were preserved. I manually entered the server details again and was careful not to import a settings file, and the issue persists.

I've checked the GitHub issue, and it's the same with the same resolution tried and failed.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 weeks ago Permalink

Please see updates in the above issue.

Errors are caused by wrong/32 bit versions of dependencies.

aderrose's profile image aderrose posted 3 weeks ago Permalink

Brilliant, thank you, issues now resolved.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 weeks ago Permalink

v12.10 is just released, now hopefully with the right SSL libraries.

aderrose's profile image aderrose posted 3 weeks ago Permalink

Fix confirmed, uninstalled my fixed 12.9 with replacement SSL libs, clean installation of 12.10 and no issues connecting.

Thank you.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 3 weeks ago Permalink

Thank you for quick feedback!

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