AI Integration

merlinox's profile image merlinox posted 3 weeks ago in Feature discussion Permalink

Day by day the role of AI is ever more. I use it so much to improve my query, to check some SQL syntax, to fix errors. So, it should be great integrate AI into heidiSQL with two activable roles:

  • check queries on demand
  • reply to user's questions basing replies to all the db structure


ConnorHa's profile image ConnorHa posted 1 week ago Permalink

Created an account just to comment. 100% Heidi Sql needs this. I think there should just be a way to add extensions to Heidi sql

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 1 week ago Permalink

Don't you think an AI integration is more for commercial software? HeidiSQL is still a hobby project.

merlinox's profile image merlinox posted 1 week ago Permalink

AI integration is now everywhere with minimal costs. In these weeks I've seen many different versions of Visual Studio Code (free) with custom AI integration.

I wrote a simply suggestions ;)

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