SQL Formatting

Cloudy's profile image Cloudy posted 2 weeks ago in General Permalink


I have been using HeidiSQL for quite a while now. With every new update I hope for a feature that was there in the past and is no longer possible.

I used to be able to format SQL code with a key command. Unfortunately, a window now pops up asking me again whether I want to format the query locally or online. Since I do not trust any online service with my SQL, I use local formatting. The only annoying thing is that I have to confirm this again and again. I simply don't need the online formatting. I still hope that the setting can be saved permanently and that I don't have to confirm it every time. Can't this simply be placed under Settings -> SQL?

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 weeks ago Permalink

v12.10 has a new option for that. See issue #1975

Cloudy's profile image Cloudy posted 2 weeks ago Permalink

This is awesome, thanks for the update.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 2 weeks ago Permalink

I have now added a checkbox to the reformatter dialog as well:


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