data editing in query results

samhill5215's profile image samhill5215 posted 14 years ago in Running SQL scripts Permalink
I'm new to both MySQL and HeidiSQL so the answer to my question may be obvious to those more knowledgeable than me.

Why is it impossible to edit the data from query results? In some cases editing the table data directly is a workable solution but what about when you need to edit data from a query joining two or more tables? Actually that's true for any query even one like 'select * from <table>;'.

Is this behavior unique to MySQL or HeidiSQL? I've looked at other guis and they all behave alike in this regard but it doesn't make sense. I've worked with Access for many years and it sets no such limitations.
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 14 years ago Permalink
This is requested as feature issue #723.

It's currently impossible as HeidiSQL needs to do a more deeper check of the returned result set of a custom query. In the data grid, the table cannot be joined and therefore it is simple to compose UPDATE and DELETE queries. However, I'd be a fan of editable query results and will implement that after the 5.0 GA release.

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