Trouble using DATEDIFF

[expired user #3338]'s profile image [expired user #3338] posted 16 years ago in General Permalink
Hi everybodyhappy,
i just start using SQL and i have a trouble using DATEDIFF in HeidiSQL. i have one date '2007-12-27' and i trying to obtain how many months and days are of difference between that date and Today(CURRENT_DATE()) i
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 16 years ago Permalink
You could divide the result of DATEDIFF by 30, that would give you a rough result. But I guess you want the exact months and days, as different months have a different number of days. That should be done with some application logic, not SQL.
[expired user #1821]'s profile image [expired user #1821] posted 16 years ago Permalink
with the command TO_DAYS you can convert the date to an amount of days and substract one from the other in that way, so the result will also be in days

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