Importing a CSV file to MySQL

[expired user #5003]'s profile image [expired user #5003] posted 14 years ago in General Permalink
I am trying to import a CSV file to MySQL.
I do the neccessary in HeidiSql and click "Import".
The computer is busy for a moment and then nothing happens.
No error message, no result message.
I check the database and the data is not there.

I see that HeidiSql is actually carrying out SQL commands.

The command is:

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'C:\\phrases.txt' INTO TABLE `w6wehfc9_baseX`.`phrases` CHARACTER SET utf8 FIELDS TERMINATED BY ';' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n' IGNORE 1 LINES (`Pindex`,`Lesson`,`English`);

My service provide told me that they do not allow the command LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE for security reasons and that I should use HeidiSql to upload data to MySql.

Any help would be appreciated.
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 14 years ago Permalink
If they do not allow so, you would get some error message - did you? I rather guess you have given wrong field terminator, encloser and/or line terminator?
[expired user #5003]'s profile image [expired user #5003] posted 14 years ago Permalink
Here is the csv:

272;15;the apples
273;15;the beds
274;15;the books
275;15;the boys
276;15;the brothers
277;15;the cats

Here is a jpg showing how I have HeidiSql setup:
[expired user #5003]'s profile image [expired user #5003] posted 14 years ago Permalink
Another suggestion would be to look in the first row and if any data matches a field name than too automatically select that field name. (i.e. default for each field is deselected).

For example, if the first line had:

Index, Lesson, English, German

Then the fields "Index", "Lesson", "English", "German" would be selected and everything else would be deselected.
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 14 years ago Permalink
Hm, I think you should post these ideas into issue #1379, so they don't get lost.
[expired user #5003]'s profile image [expired user #5003] posted 14 years ago Permalink
Yes. I got a little confused in my posting.
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 14 years ago Permalink
Avoid importing of first x lines can be done already by using the "Ignore X lines". Apart from that, your settings look exactly like they should. If you are sure there is no error message in the log panel I don't know what more to check. Probably test the same thing on a different server?
[expired user #5003]'s profile image [expired user #5003] posted 14 years ago Permalink

You mention the "log panel".
I looked and looked and could not find a log panel.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 14 years ago Permalink
The SQL log panel is the lower area with the line numbers and the SQL command history:
[expired user #5003]'s profile image [expired user #5003] posted 14 years ago Permalink
It worked!!

Thank you very muuuuuuch!


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