unQuoted table/column names

roger-u's profile image roger-u posted 13 years ago in General Permalink
When double clicking a name it is always shown within back-quotes in the query window e.g. `mytable`

As well as looking untidy, the parameter colouring scheme does not highlight them as field/table names.

I know all my names are simple characters and do not require this and i would like it to be an option (in the Preferences section). I would also like any exported SQL files to omit these back-quotes
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 13 years ago Permalink
I think you are using an old version - I had recently changed that to only quote identifiers when there are special characters in them. Please update (Help > Check for updates)
roger-u's profile image roger-u posted 13 years ago Permalink

I downloaded before sending this request.. and that was only about 2 hours ago.

and you are right! in that time there is another update - and this time it is as you say.

as they say: "Timing is everything"


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