Stop query loop on reconnect.

[expired user #5421]'s profile image [expired user #5421] posted 13 years ago in Running SQL scripts Permalink

If i run a script with many queries and connection is lost then heidy automatically reconnects and continues the query loop from next(?) item.

This is a problem for me.
For example if i use transactions then after reconnect the script does not run in transaction anymore and yields inconsistent result.
Same case when using variables / temporary tables.

What do you think of making query loop to not continue in case of reconnects or at least make it optional?

Thank you.
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 13 years ago Permalink
Reconnecting is done *before* executing a query. Queries are never skipped. The only situation when that can happen is if the query itself produces a huge query or takes longer to finish as idle_timeout allows. What was the cause of your reconnect?
[expired user #5421]'s profile image [expired user #5421] posted 13 years ago Permalink
For example, when thread is killed.

runnign the script:
set @a:=null;
select @a:=concat_ws(',',@a,sleep(5)+1);
select @a:=concat_ws(',',@a,sleep(5)+2);
select @a:=concat_ws(',',@a,sleep(5)+3);
select @a:=concat_ws(',',@a,sleep(5)+4);

set @a:=null;
select @a:=concat_ws(',',@a,sleep(2)+1);
select @a:=concat_ws(',',@a,sleep(2)+2);
/* Connection to closed at 2010-12-30 15:16:17 */
/* Connecting to via TCP/IP, username imre, using password: Yes ... */
/* Connected. Thread-ID: 78 */
/* Characterset: utf8 */
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'version_compile_os';
USE `insurance`;
select @a:=concat_ws(',',@a,sleep(2)+3);
select @a:=concat_ws(',',@a,sleep(2)+4);
/* 0 rows affected, 4 rows found. Duration for 5 queries: 6,438 sec. */

Result tabs:
Result #1: 1
Result #2: 1,3  // i dont know why 3 here, there should be no result. 
Result #3: 3
Result #4: 3,4
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 13 years ago Permalink
Ok - the query was somehow causing a disconnect. But a query should not get executed again if when that happens. That would mean you are stuck in some endless loop, would it?
[expired user #5421]'s profile image [expired user #5421] posted 13 years ago Permalink
I agree.

Just to clarify again:
In that example I opened the second Heidi instance and killed the server thread manually while it was running the 2nd query.

If i just plug the network cable then it gets timeout in around 5 seconds and works as expexted.
So its not that critical than i thought, but still i must take into account i cannot kill the server thread to stop execution

which means killing the heidisql.exe is the only option.

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