date/time : 2015-12-30, 19:52:07, 779ms computer name : TURBO-PC user name : turbo registered owner : turbo operating system : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601 system language : English system up time : 9 days 6 hours program up time : 23 hours 38 minutes processors : 8x AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor physical memory : 11194/16284 MB (free/total) free disk space : (C:) 68.82 GB display mode : 1920x1080, 32 bit process id : $2468 allocated memory : 124.92 MB largest free block : 8185.57 GB executable : heidisql.exe exec. date/time : 2015-08-08 16:43 version : compiled with : Delphi XE5 madExcept version : callstack crc : $34c189d1, $07f4838f, $07f4838f exception number : 15 exception class : EAccessViolation exception message : Access violation at address 0000000000C28503 in module 'heidisql.exe'. Read of address 0000000000000020. main thread ($5c98): 00c28503 heidisql.exe Main 4946 +5 TMainForm.DisplayRowCountStats 00c21199 heidisql.exe Main 3645 +36 TMainForm.actDataDeleteExecute 005d9090 heidisql.exe System.Classes TBasicAction.Execute 00664413 heidisql.exe Vcl.ActnList TCustomAction.Execute 005d8dc4 heidisql.exe System.Classes TBasicActionLink.Execute 007e9f0c heidisql.exe Vcl.Menus TMenuItem.Click 007ecfb1 heidisql.exe Vcl.Menus DoClick 007ed11c heidisql.exe Vcl.Menus TMenu.IsShortCut 0069e4fd heidisql.exe Vcl.Controls TWinControl.IsMenuKey 0069e598 heidisql.exe Vcl.Controls TWinControl.CNKeyDown 0040cb1e heidisql.exe System TObject.Dispatch 00693403 heidisql.exe Vcl.Controls TControl.WndProc 0069aace heidisql.exe Vcl.Controls TWinControl.WndProc 008ed4fe heidisql.exe VirtualTrees 25273 +32 TBaseVirtualTree.WndProc 00699d0a heidisql.exe Vcl.Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc 005da643 heidisql.exe System.Classes StdWndProc 76da6ba8 USER32.dll SendMessageW 00812b73 heidisql.exe Vcl.Forms TApplication.IsKeyMsg 00812ef7 heidisql.exe Vcl.Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage 00812f93 heidisql.exe Vcl.Forms TApplication.HandleMessage 0081347f heidisql.exe Vcl.Forms TApplication.Run 00c6b647 heidisql.exe heidisql 78 +24 initialization 76ea5a4b kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk