date/time : 2017-09-13, 15:10:48, 960ms computer name : WORK user name : Иван registered owner : Иван operating system : Windows 10 x64 build 10586 system language : Russian system up time : 5 hours 3 minutes program up time : 25 minutes 54 seconds processors : 8x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4710HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz physical memory : 3981/12171 MB (free/total) free disk space : (C:) 31,06 GB (D:) 37,10 GB display mode : 1536x864, 32 bit process id : $226c allocated memory : 69,28 MB largest free block : 131025,99 GB executable : heidisql.exe exec. date/time : 2017-09-13 14:44 version : compiled with : Delphi XE5 madExcept version : 4.0.12 callstack crc : $05085fe3, $d71813fe, $d71813fe exception number : 3 exception class : EAccessViolation exception message : Access violation at address 000000018000C486 in module 'libpq.dll'. Read of address 0000000000000000. main thread ($228c): 18000c48 libpq.dll PQgetlength 00ab33f9 heidisql.exe dbconnection 5855 +32 TPGQuery.SetRecNo 00ab28d1 heidisql.exe dbconnection 5689 +1 TDBQuery.First 00ab264c heidisql.exe dbconnection 5662 +46 TPGQuery.Execute 00a95b28 heidisql.exe dbconnection 2628 +6 TPgConnection.GetLastResults 00c31cc7 heidisql.exe Main 2702 +7 TMainForm.AfterQueryExecution 0097fb24 heidisql.exe helpers 2943 +1 TQueryThread.AfterQuery 005d598e heidisql.exe System.Classes CheckSynchronize 00813893 heidisql.exe Vcl.Forms TApplication.WndProc 005dbd73 heidisql.exe System.Classes StdWndProc 7ffd1962 USER32.dll DispatchMessageW 0081464f heidisql.exe Vcl.Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage 008146c3 heidisql.exe Vcl.Forms TApplication.HandleMessage 00814baf heidisql.exe Vcl.Forms TApplication.Run 00c872e7 heidisql.exe heidisql 79 +24 initialization 7ffd1c17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk 7ffd1c26 ntdll.dll RtlUserThreadStart