date/time : 2020-02-12, 10:22:05, 998ms user name : Administrador operating system : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601 system language : Spanish system up time : 1 hour 51 minutes program up time : 1 hour 4 minutes processors : 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4430 CPU @ 3.00GHz physical memory : 11351/16297 MB (free/total) free disk space : (C:) 22,46 GB display mode : 1920x1200, 32 bit process id : $cd0 allocated memory : 119,99 MB largest free block : 8181,54 GB executable : heidisql.exe exec. date/time : 2020-02-06 14:31 version : compiled with : Delphi 10.3 Rio madExcept version : 5.0.0 callstack crc : $321d0205, $962021ba, $962021ba exception number : 3 exception class : EAccessViolation exception message : Access violation at address 00000000006C62C2 in module 'heidisql.exe'. Read of address 0000000000000010. main thread ($178c): 006c62c2 heidisql.exe Vcl.Controls TWinControl.WndProc 006f6ec0 heidisql.exe Vcl.StdCtrls TButtonControl.WndProc 006c597a heidisql.exe Vcl.Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc 00564c73 heidisql.exe System.Classes StdWndProc 779497d9 USER32.dll DispatchMessageW 0086c24e heidisql.exe Vcl.Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage 0086c2c3 heidisql.exe Vcl.Forms TApplication.HandleMessage 0086c711 heidisql.exe Vcl.Forms TApplication.Run 00e2cf41 heidisql.exe heidisql 93 +32 initialization 77a4556b kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk 77ba372b ntdll.dll RtlUserThreadStart