Double clicking on database name in treeview puts the name into the editor

Battlestar's profile image Battlestar posted 10 years ago in General Permalink

Everytime I just want to expand the sub items of a database item using a double click HeidiSQL messes with my SQL script because it adds the database name into the script.

I understand this feature but it should only paste the name of the clicked item when it was already focussed. Otherwise it confuses the user who just double clicks a parent item to expand / collapse it.


egodoyc's profile image egodoyc posted 10 years ago Permalink
Hi !

I Agree with that.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 10 years ago Permalink
Try the following:
* rightclick the tree
* click "Tree style options"
* activate "Auto expand on click"

I believe that could help you as you don't need to doubleclick any more then.
Battlestar's profile image Battlestar posted 9 years ago Permalink
That is quite a solution but this is not intuitive because the user does not expect this behaviour. Why should I get used to single clicking a tree node when I need to use a double click in other applications?
apric's profile image apric posted 9 years ago Permalink
I had this issue multiple times as well.
In some random place in my (large and complicated) queries a syntax error occurs because i tried expanding some DB in the tree view (working with several hundred databases!).

Add this to the shitty MySQL error messages and you wasted several minutes of your life...
Very annoying :(
apric's profile image apric posted 9 years ago Permalink

Try the following:
* rightclick the tree
* click "Tree style options"
* activate "Auto expand on click"

I believe that could help you as you don't need to doubleclick any more then.

This workaround does not help either, since this only helps for opening a DB.
When trying to fold it again, you have to double click, and the DB name gets put in any open query window like before.

Is there an official HeidiSQL bug tracker somewhere?
This problem should easily be fixable by commenting out the code line causing this.
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 9 years ago Permalink
Well, one can already drag and drop any tree node to the query editor, so I guess I can safely remove the doubleclick-code, without harming any user.
apric's profile image apric posted 9 years ago Permalink

Well, one can already drag and drop any tree node to the query editor, so I guess I can safely remove the doubleclick-code, without harming any user.

Or make it an option in the settings.
Or make this functionality use an additional key like CTRL+click / CTRL+doubleclick.
Code modification/commit from ansgarbecker, 9 years ago, revision
Do not insert database tree node caption in query editor via double click. See
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 9 years ago Permalink
Just removed that double-click code, in r4999. Huuh, next commit will be r5000...
apric's profile image apric posted 9 years ago Permalink

Just removed that double-click code, in r4999. Huuh, next commit will be r5000...

Great news, thanks ansgar!
No more broken queries by accident!

Will donate a little something tonight, listening to customer feedback shall be rewarded.
[expired user #9014]'s profile image [expired user #9014] posted 9 years ago Permalink
Meh. Some of us actually liked the double click feature - any way we can get that as a toggle-able option in the preferences somewhere, please? It was so noticeable after the update that I came looking on the forums and found this thread. Thanks.
apric's profile image apric posted 9 years ago Permalink

Meh. Some of us actually liked the double click feature - any way we can get that as a toggle-able option in the preferences somewhere, please? It was so noticeable after the update that I came looking on the forums and found this thread. Thanks.

In the meantime then you can use drag&drop: item to query window.
[expired user #9014]'s profile image [expired user #9014] posted 8 years ago Permalink
I tried it that way for about a day and then reverted back to build revision - thanks anyways.
[expired user #9333]'s profile image [expired user #9333] posted 8 years ago Permalink
Thanks, this was really annoying.
[expired user #9414]'s profile image [expired user #9414] posted 8 years ago Permalink

Meh. Some of us actually liked the double click feature - any way we can get that as a toggle-able option in the preferences somewhere, please? It was so noticeable after the update that I came looking on the forums and found this thread. Thanks.

In the meantime then you can use drag&drop: item to query window.

I also was alarmed that the feature was missing and came to the forum for the exact same reason.

If you could make it toggle-able, that would be great.
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 8 years ago Permalink
Why not use drag'n drop from the tree into the editor? This doubleclick action always looked dodgy to me, not intuitive in some way.
[expired user #9014]'s profile image [expired user #9014] posted 8 years ago Permalink
I use macros to generate most of a simple SQL statement for me, and then drop my cursor into the appropriate spot. I double click a table name, it fills in in that spot. I type a space, then a character for an alias. I press the down arrow. I double click another table name. I type in an alias character, space, the keyword ON, space, maybe I double click on my Column reference on the right side to avoid having to type in all of the ON statement, press the down arrow and I'm in my WHERE clause. You can see how that flow would be slightly disrupted by having to drag the table to the correct location. It's definitely a small gripe, but it was a feature I came to rely on and my workflow is at least slightly faster with it.

In an AutoHotkey script that runs automatically when I start up my computer:
[expired user #9417]'s profile image [expired user #9417] posted 8 years ago Permalink

[quote=russlo]Meh. Some of us actually liked the double click feature - any way we can get that as a toggle-able option in the preferences somewhere, please? It was so noticeable after the update that I came looking on the forums and found this thread. Thanks.

In the meantime then you can use drag&drop: item to query window.

I also was alarmed that the feature was missing and came to the forum for the exact same reason.

If you could make it toggle-able, that would be great.[/quote]

Same here. I was looking through the recent builds to find out if it was some kind of bug, found this issue. I use double-click on tablename a lot (at daily base) so it is a real miss. Drag&Drop costs so much more time...
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 8 years ago Permalink
Well I guess I'll make this double-click feature customizable. Although I'm against blowing up the preferences dialog with such minor stuff. But the users here decided it.
[expired user #9014]'s profile image [expired user #9014] posted 8 years ago Permalink
Thank you.
Code modification/commit from ansgarbecker, 8 years ago, revision
Make insertion of node text on double click customizable, per tree style options menu. See
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 8 years ago Permalink
Done in r5007.

See the new check option when right clicking the tree, then click "Tree style options", then click "Double click inserts node text". Activated by default, for the benefit of all the users having loved this feature.
apric's profile image apric posted 8 years ago Permalink
Best solution for all users, thanks :)

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