A few things to improve

[expired user #8443]'s profile image [expired user #8443] posted 10 years ago in General Permalink

1) I didn't find way how to turn on auto-popup code completion list.
Manually trigger completion list by ctrl+space is very distracting and uncomfortable while typing code.

2) Column names in the code completion list are missing.

3) Auto uppercase for SQL keywords when typing would be very nice for code readibility.

4) Make 'Run current query' command execution even if the keyboard cursor is located after the last character of a statement. It doesn't work after I finish statement typing and every time I have to move the cursor to some character position of desired statement.

5) If I have code like this:

select 1;
show warnings;

It would be nice to have the name of the query result tab in this way:

select 1 | show warnings

Instead of this:

Result #1 (1x1) | Result #2 (3x0)

And make (cols x rows) optional.

6) Why NULL in the result set does have parenthesis ? (NULL) is a bit confusing according to the standard way the mysql client shows the result-set data.

7) Make bold font for primary column and key icons optional in the result-set. I prefer clean format of result-set data like in mysql client console.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 10 years ago Permalink
1) That suggest popup gets displayed automatically when typing a dot.
2) Column names appear when you write one of the following combinations:
... mytable.|
SELECT * FROM mytable AS a WHERE a.|

3) Auto-uppercase would drive me crazy. But you can click on the "Reformat" button (the icon with the white page on it), or just click Ctrl+F8. That uppercases all keywords and does some auto-indentation.
[expired user #8443]'s profile image [expired user #8443] posted 10 years ago Permalink

1) That suggest popup gets displayed automatically when typing a dot.

Why does it pop only when typing dot first ? It doesn't make sense. Very often I type statements which don't begin with dot. So why there is no auto-popup for these situations ?

2) Column names appear when you write one of the following combinations:

... mytable.|
SELECT * FROM mytable AS a WHERE a.|

But they don't appear right after the SELECT. This is the most frequent way of defining columns

3) Auto-uppercase would drive me crazy.

Why ? The keyword uppercase is a standard of SQL syntax. For what reason is it good to have the code format like this ?:

select * from mytable as a where id=1;

[expired user #8443]'s profile image [expired user #8443] posted 10 years ago Permalink

But they don't appear right after the SELECT. This is the most frequent way of defining columns

Ok, to say it more accurately: They appear only when you have already defined table name. And you have to use table identifier. But often there are situations when I start define columns before the defining the table name.

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 10 years ago Permalink
And where should HeidiSQL take the column names from if you don't even have a table name in your query?
[expired user #8443]'s profile image [expired user #8443] posted 10 years ago Permalink
It may show all existing column names within selected db. If I for example start typing 'fir_' the completion list pops up and shows also all column names beginning with 'fir'.

The point is that I know which column from which table I want to define before I type it in the editor and reach the FROM clause :)

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 10 years ago Permalink
Please think of users with large databases here. It would take various seconds if not even minutes to retrieve all columns from all tables in a database. Just make a test and run such a query:
SELECT * FROM `information_schema`.`COLUMNS` WHERE `TABLE_SCHEMA`='yourbiggestdatabase' ORDER BY `TABLE_NAME`
[expired user #8443]'s profile image [expired user #8443] posted 10 years ago Permalink

7) Make bold font for primary column and key icons optional in the result-set.

And what about this ?

Is it possible to make it optional ?

[expired user #8716]'s profile image [expired user #8716] posted 9 years ago Permalink
For out complete, there should be an option is preferences with checkbox to show autocomplete with or without ctrl+space
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 9 years ago Permalink
In Tools > Preferences > SQL, you will find a checkbox labeled "Enable completion proposal". But that enables/disables the feature entirely, not just the shortcut.

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