record inserted, but postfix mysql query doesn't see it

[expired user #6564]'s profile image [expired user #6564] posted 9 years ago in General Permalink
simple table, two text fields

emailaddress status
recip@domain OK

in Heidi :

insert a record, success
search for the record, success
etc,etc, success

on another machine, running postfix with postfix mysql query client,
it queries for recip@domain, not found (msg to recip rejected)

if I put recip@domain in a file and upload with mysqlimport, postfix mysql query client can find the record.


[expired user #6564]'s profile image [expired user #6564] posted 9 years ago Permalink
oops, fixed, sorry

we had TWO tables

"table" and "table_work"

postfix, mysqladmin use "table_work", I inserted into "table"

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