Can't connect.

[expired user #8797]'s profile image [expired user #8797] posted 9 years ago in General Permalink
I made myself a private server for Wow 4.3.4. I followed guide, server is hosted etc. I got myself 4.3.4 client, changed realmlist to: set realmlist but when i connect it says connecting then succesful etc. and then Connect... (which is last phase of connecting) and then after few seconds it kicks me. And over and over.
TTSneko's profile image TTSneko posted 9 years ago Permalink
HeidiSQL is a database frontend and normally has nothing to do with WoW server setup. It can be use to make a few things easier, but it does not free you of your responsibilities. If you have a problem with accessing your own server objects, you either screwed up setup (missing dumps and/or imports) or are using incorrect log-ins and passwords.

There are tons of sites out there which explain WoW setups step-by-step. I would advise you to find an up-to-date How-To-site (e.g. not the old stuff from 2008/2009/2010). Repeat all required steps according to the book, making sure that all required tables are both dumped and re-installed correctly. Check all peripheral requirements, too. For example: were all required ports correctly forwarded? Are you using the correct patch/game version?

Hold in mind that we have 2015 now - descriptions of tools used way back in 2010 are often simply misleading. In addition, Blizzard changed a lot of things since then.

Good Luck!

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