New (?) Feature: Forcing Files to get exectued directly

zeropublix's profile image zeropublix posted 8 years ago in Feature discussion Permalink
Is it possible to set HeidiSQL to execute sql-files ALWAYS directly. No editor loading whatsoever.

If this feature isn't there yet is it possible to maybe add it?
kalvaro's profile image kalvaro posted 8 years ago Permalink
What could possibly go wrong? ;)

I think though that an option to always give the option —no matter file size— could have its use case. Some times we have scripts that aren't particularly large but we know beforehand that they'll take long to run and we'd prefer to skip the GUI steps.

Or perhaps a "Run SQL file" option beside "Load SQL file" :-?
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 8 years ago Permalink
Good idea - having a separate "Run SQL file" menu item would not break the file size detection in "Load SQL file", and it would be quite clear what it does.
Code modification/commit from ansgarbecker, 8 years ago, revision
Add menu item "Run SQL file", as a complement to "Load SQL files". See
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 8 years ago Permalink
r5018 has a new menu item "Run SQL file" in the "File" main menu.

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