Source Code

[expired user #9556]'s profile image [expired user #9556] posted 8 years ago in General Permalink

i have download source code for HeidiSQL but i want to run the code how can i run and what are all the things i need to run the code

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 8 years ago Permalink
  1. You need Delphi XE5 to compile the HeidiSQL sources
  2. Then, you load the package files from
  • components/SynEdit/Packages/DelphiXE5
  • components/virtualtreeview/Packages/DelphiXE5
  1. build + install both packages
  2. load the HeidiSQL package from
  • packages/DelphiXE5/
  1. and build it
  2. try to run heidisql.exe from the "out" folder
  3. see it does not connect because you don't have a valid libmysql.dll in the same folder. Rename the right .dll (libmysql32.dll or libmysql64.dll) to libmysql.dll and run heidisql.exe again.

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