Table was dropped after adding new columns.

[expired user #10146]'s profile image [expired user #10146] posted 8 years ago in General Permalink


until now, HeidiSQL was the best database management tool for me. Unfortunately, after adding and saving two columns, the dialog "connection lost during query" appears. I thought, that's no big deal, but after reconnection to the database, the edited table was deleted. Thankfully I had an fresh backup, but thats an uncomfortable feeling. Right now I`m searching in the log files about that error.

Does anybody have an idea what was going wrong with this operation?

Thanks and regards, ernschd

ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 8 years ago Permalink

I guess some files for the table were still there on the server, but not the .frm structure file (if it was a MyISAM table). The server was probably on the way to overwrite that file and then crashed. Your connection is broken and the file is gone. Probably a bug in MySQL/MariaDB. You could watch out for updates.

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