Reporting Issua : Execute Line does not work properly when Cases in SELECT

[expired user #4382]'s profile image [expired user #4382] posted 15 years ago in General Permalink
i dound an issue with the execute line option:

It works usually with texts like that:

SELECT ... something
where something

doesn't matter the position of the curser on these lines, it works well..

When SELECT clause has CASE clause like that :

SELECT something,(CASE something WHEN something THEN something END) from somewhere;

It works with multiline selection and execution....

I suppose that execute line parser thinks that CASE belongs to a procedure or functoin and does not suppose that this could be
a part of select..

[expired user #4382]'s profile image [expired user #4382] posted 15 years ago Permalink
i found an issue with the execute line option:

It works usually with texts like that:

SELECT ... something
where something

doesn't matter the position of the curser on these lines, it works well..

When SELECT has CASE clause like that :

SELECT something,(CASE something WHEN something THEN something END) from somewhere;

But It works with multiline selection and execution....

I suppose that execute line parser thinks that CASE belongs to a procedure or functoin and does not suppose that this could be
a part of select..

[expired user #4382]'s profile image [expired user #4382] posted 15 years ago Permalink
My mistake, It doesn't work with multiline SELECT at all;

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