Debugging the query editor

[expired user #4382]'s profile image [expired user #4382] posted 14 years ago in General Permalink
Hi guys,
I am looking for a feature in HeidiSQL like that which was presented in old versions of MySQL Query Browser.
Is there way how to stop, step and continue executing the script in HeidiSQL?
ansgar's profile image ansgar posted 14 years ago Permalink
No, a stepped execution is not a feature in HeidiSQL. If that helps, you can press the "Stop on errors in batch mode" button on the main toolbar (the yellow triangle icon).

Also, issue #668 is related - please post comments and suggestions into that one.
[expired user #4382]'s profile image [expired user #4382] posted 14 years ago Permalink
well, that does not solve most of cases. Well, i will stick on that kind of tasks in my ancient mysql query browser. For all other things that I use, HeidiSQL is definitely better choice.

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