Install and compile
HeidiSQL has one directory named "packages" for each component and for HeidiSQL itself, this is where you'll find the project files. There is one "mother" package file, which you just open and which then opens all other project files automatically: packages/delphiXYZ/heidisql.groupproj .
Project name Action
SynEditR Build
SynEditD Build + Install
VirtualTreesR Build
VirtualTreesD Build + Install
heidisql.exe Build
You should end up with a "heidisql.exe" binary in the "out" folder.
In order to install SynEditD and VirtualTreesD . Which PATH need to set?
How to insall SynEdit & VirtualTreeView?
When finish all "Build",I copy bpl files to delphi bin,after install,look like attatched picture
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